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Everything You Need to Know About the Ecobee 4

If you’re looking for an upgrade that will help you save money on your heating and cooling costs, there is perhaps no other upgrade that’s more economical or has a bigger impact than installing a smart thermostat in your home. In the past, thermostats were simple: a special thermometer that turned your heating and cooling system on or off based on the temperature in your home. You set the temperature, your thermostat kept it there. But today, the thermostat has been revolutionized by the inclusion of a computer, which provides you with several features that radically improve your heating and cooling.

Here at Arco Comfort Air, our Aurora heating and cooling experts are massive fans of the ecobee 4, one of the latest and greatest smart thermostats on the market today. The ecobee 4 offers users a sleek, attractive design, extremely intuitive user interface, and is packed with so many features that we couldn’t possibly discuss them all on this blog.

However, we’re going to talk about a few of the big ones.

Of all smart thermostats on the market today, the ecobee 4 was ranked the highest in speed, cleverness, and autonomous capabilities. The ecobee 4 can utilize wireless sensors, which monitor the temperature in different rooms throughout your home. Your ecobee unit keeps track of the temperature in these different rooms, and actually changes how it operates your heating and cooling system in order to cool and heat your home more evenly and efficiently than ever before. The ecobee is also equipped with wireless networking capability, which means you can attach it to your home’s wireless network and it can draw information like local weather forecasts to make changes as well!

Likewise, this internet connectivity gives you a world of flexibility you’ve likely never experienced. The unit is enabled to work with Amazon Alexa Voice Service, which means the sound of your voice alone can turn your system on or off, adjust the temperature, and make all sorts of other changes. Never have to get up to go turn the heat on or off again! On top of that, you can also ask your ecobee to order groceries, read you the news, give you the weather forecast, and so much more!

And then perhaps the best benefit: the ecobee 4 is ENERGY STAR® certified.

We’re extremely happy for a customer in Aurora, who recently made this upgrade to their heating and cooling system and outfitted their home with an ecobee 4. The new thermostat is helping them make the most of their home by improving their energy efficiency and keeping them comfortable all year round, all without ever requiring them to go adjust the unit by hand. In fact, they’re so happy with the upgrade that they’re already happily referring all of their friends!

If you’re looking to turn your house into a smarter home, let the experts at Arco Comfort Air help! Call us at (216) 230-5117 today to schedule your appointment.

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