Pristine Air Cleaners in Akron

Why Arco Uses Pristine Air
Indoor air quality is vital to maintaining comfort and reducing effects of allergies and asthma in the home. At Arco Comfort Air, we are in the business of making you and your family breathe easier, and we do that
with the help of Pristine Air. Pristine Air uses scientifically designed products to improve, and reduce,
the indoor air pollution in your home. Backed by over 30 years of research, Pristine Air utilizes homes’ central HVAC systems as the medium for air cleaning. They know it’s not just about dust in the air
– but the smaller particles like germs and gases that account for indoor air contamination. Their products help resolve these issues and ensure a healthier, more comfortable home. Like Arco, Pristine Air believes every family deserves clean and fresh air to breathe which is they make the products the way that they do – and why we are proud suppliers and installers of those products.

About Indoor Air Pollution
When you think of air pollution, you often think of it being outside. But, the truth is it could actually be worse inside your home. Do you know why contaminates get trapped inside?

Mother Nature has ways of cleaning the outdoor air that you just don’t
have indoors.
Homes today are energy efficient and tight which means they lock in the
Things in your home that you use every day – the furnace, ductwork,
etc – can spread dust particles throughout your home.

Pristine Air Cleaner Products
There are three phases of indoor air pollution: particles, germs, and gases, and Pristine Air makes products to protect you against each of them.

Particles: Dust, dander, insect parts, and other particles can cause runny noses,
sneezing, coughing, and asthma attacks. We suggest the Pristine Air Polarized
Media Air Cleaner because it captures even the smallest of airborne particles.
The system magnetically attracts the particles and then permanently plates
them so they don’t get released back into the air.

Germs: If you have bacteria or mold growth it can cause respiratory infections,
pneumonia, bronchitis and other infections. The best solution to this
problem is the Pristine Air UVC Germicidal unit. With 3.3 times more power
than standard UV lamps, it will kill and sterilize germs and other growth.
This will happen 24 hours a day using the sun’s UV rays.

Gases: Pesticides, cleaning solvents, and other chemicals will induce headaches,
nausea, lethargy, and dizziness in your home’s occupants. To avoid
this, install a Pristine Air UVC/UVV Oxidizing system. Working similar
to the UVC Germicidal system, this one has a little something extra: an
adjustable UVV lamp to control the gases and odors in your home.

For more information on Pristine Air, you can visit their website or call
Arco Comfort Air today. We are proud carriers and installers of these
products and would be happy to come help make your home cleaner and healthier!

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